Good Use of Time

As rational beings, men should act in accordance to reason. Man was created with the specific calling to work and cooperate with GOD in his continuing work of creation. According to Dr. Jacobson G. Kliatcho “If you are justified in having to do the things you do, there is need for you to allocate time within which to accomplish them.”

Everything you do, every movement you make happens in time. It is a yardstick of your movements your step from potency to activity, your transit from thought to thought and act to act, your passing from here to there, your shift from one activity to the next, your change of disposition and your transformation from one state to another. Everything on earth is governed by time. No human activity is eternal. They all have their beginnings and endings. Nothing lasts forever even the best things in life come and go. So, to allow yourself to do anything you have to do or want to do, you need to establish time boundaries for each activity.

There have been many methods prescribed by experts as to how time could be best utilized and maximized. I would emphasize some of the already known principles of time management, and review practical manifestation of these in the performance of daily work all you need is a minimum of organization—employing the techniques of categorizing, prioritizing and scheduling your activities.

Categorizing your activities. It is an initial step in time management. Its purpose is to enable you to identify your activities and make you conscious of these activities you really do, you expected to do or you want to do. To categorize means to classify activities into homogeneous groupings.

Prioritize your activities. To prioritize means to assign certain values to these activities. Arrange them according to some kind of order that will facilitate their accomplishment. The order can be sequential- meaning they are activities to be performed one after the other or they could be ranked in the order of importance or significance, whose contribution of the activity to the attainment of an objective is given weight.

Schedule your activities. Having prioritized your activities is not the end of the organization process. You need to operationalize this by drawing up a personal schedule. A schedule incorporates the activities to be performed set within a specific time frame. Sometimes, too, there are many things you want to do. You want to do this or that, you want to gain or lose weight. Within the range of your real possibilities, there is always time for everything. Perhaps not now but if you work things out, things may just fall into place sooner and better than you expect. Prioritize your activities, plan and organize yourself and you will find this time. Don’t just wait for opportunities create them.

Intensify your work. This simply means concentration. You need to apply effort and a great deal of attention to what you do at every moment. Pour out your energies and focus your internal and external senses towards every task you do. To be truly effective at work you need some peace and quiet, some period of concentration and intensity. This intensity with which you work will help you to be very productive and will make you save time you can use tis bonus saved-time to do more things.

Spend time for reflection. Look behind you to move ahead. It allows you to appreciate the past and enjoy the hope and promise of what lies ahead. Think and act now that every minute of life that passes, “Make use of time, let no advantage slip”. William Shakespeare

By: Archille B. Conol